corporate training
English Baccalaureate exam preparation

Courses for students at inlingua Kiel: Exam preparation for Abitur.

The exam preparation course for the English Abitur is aimed at graduates of G8 and G9 classes. The goal is a good preparation for the written and oral Abitur exam in English. In the small learning groups we focus on all four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Thematically we prepare you for the exam topics.

Special features at inlingua:

  • Our trainers are qualified native speakers. They have a university degree, are experienced in teaching, receive continuous training and convey their language in a positive manner.
  • During language training, only the target language is spoken, so participants immediately start thinking in the foreign language and are not even tempted to translate literally.

The course system

  • Group training with 4 to 5 participants
  • 1x a week every Tuesday, 17.30 to 19.10 = 100 minutes
  • with 3 participants 75 minutes, with 2 participants 60 minutes.
  • The courses start after the autumn vacations. The course does not take place during the Christmas vacations.
  • In running groups it is also possible to join later.
  • Training fees payable in 5 installments of 95,00 EUR plus learning material approx. €30,00 (payable with the 1st installment)
  • Consultation and registration now at any time during opening hours

Course overview

Aktuell finden keine Kurse statt.
Fragen Sie uns gerne nach den nächsten Terminen oder stellen Ihre Wunschanfrage für einen persönlichen Kurs.
Online Einstufungstest

Kennen Sie Ihr Sprachniveau? Finden Sie es heraus!

Für Sie und für uns ist es wichtig, Ihren genauen Sprachstandort zu bestimmen. Mit Hilfe des inlingua Einstufungstests finden wir es gemeinsam heraus.

Zum Einstufungstest

Nach oben
inlingua Kiel

Alter Markt 7
24103 Kiel

+49 431 981380

inlingua Kiel ist lizenziertes Prüfungszentrum für telc Sprachprüfungen.
inlingua Kiel ist eine HZA geprüfte und zertifizierte Bildungseinrichtung.